Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Chicago Mosaic School Pictures

Am really enjoying my classes, time flies by so fast when I am there.  It's a strange thing how time takes on a completely different essence when I am working on mosiacs or painting.  It's almost like the concept of time disappears and I am in a different world for a while.  Well, here are some more pics......

My messy workspace on Monday night. Working on a frame. 

Some of the other girls in the class.

Beginning of the frame...the white gooey stuff is mastic...a waterproof adhesive.  I usually use a clear-drying non-waterproof adhesive (e.g. Weldbond), but this mastic drys white, and I wanted the white to show through some of the more transparent tiles.  They are too dark against the black background.  The white mastic will brighten them up a bit.  The grout will cover up the excess mastic that is pushed up around the tiles. 
This mosaic is part of a current exhibition showing at the gallery.  An artist from Michigan.

same exhibit.

awesome close-up of a different piece by the same woman

a glass-on-glass mosaic...takes on a stained glass appearance.

an instructors example

example frames made by other students....these pictures don't do them justice. 

a frame i just finished....going to an auction to benefit the women's sober living house (McCoy House) that I managed when I lived in Mississippi.

close-up of same frame

same deal, except in green

check out the lizard eye on the top corner. ;)  i love incorporating smaller pics in with the work.
and here is a picture of me with my niece and a couple of my nephews..i have two other nephews that didn't make it in the picture.  They are the light of my life.  Love them all so much.

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    Your work is gorgeous! Glad to hear you are enjoying the creative process as well. Thanks for sharing-I'll keep watching for more!

