Thursday, October 20, 2011

newer stuff

 been painting some...studying trees right now, specifically their silhouettes against different backgrounds.  on my hikes (while Esme meanders off to find scummy ponds to swim in) i have been trying to identify various trees by their bark, shape, etc.  trying to id them now with some leaves still on, and then plan to look at them again in winter when no leaves, and see if i can still tell what they are. 

yes she ran and jumped right in this messy bog, and when we later drove home she shook herself off in the back seat. 
this painting is not quite as dark as this picture makes it out to be.....
no, it hasn't snowed (yet) but i didn't like the finished product (too dull it seemed with only 2 main colors) so i added snow and it made it a little better.  still don't like this one very much. 
this is one of my favorites...the top cloud was kind of an accident...but it turned out allright. 
still working on this concept....i think watercolors might work a little better with this color scheme. you can't see it very well, but there is a burgundy and purple in the tree and underbrush.....i want to do it over with the sky a little whiter and lighter...

another work-in-progress....trying to decide the background color for this buckeye moth mosaic......getting closer but still not quite right. 

i may have posted this one already?  fabric on plywood "collage" can't decide if i want to cover it in a couple layers of epoxy/resin finish to make it glossy and more light might get ruined but then again it might turn out great...

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